Chilton Academy & Nursery

Chilton Academy & Nursery

The heart of Chilton

Welcome to the Chilton Academy website.

County Durham
DL17 0PT

01388 720255

Governor – Christine Clough

Governor – Christine Clough

I began teaching in 1975, which was a job I loved throughout my 35-year career. My career over the years led to me to become a Deputy Headteacher and a Headteacher, initially in an Infant School and then an amalgamated Primary and Nursery School.

Due to personal circumstances in December 2010 I took early retirement. I have remained extremely busy looking after 4 grandchildren aged 11, 8, 4 and 2 and I am employed as an exam invigilator at Woodham Academy. Thus, keeping up to date with the current Educational landscape.

As well as myself being in education, my two children have followed me into the profession. My daughter who works in a local Primary School and my son as an Assistant Headteacher at Woodham Academy.

It is my utmost belief that the teaching, well-being of children physically, emotionally and educationally has been paramount throughout my career and is the reason why I want to be represented on the school’s Governing Body.
I strongly believe the heart of a school are the children, staff, parents and the whole community. It is to this end that am eager, and privileged to be working alongside and supporting the dedicated professional, enthusiastic hard-working Head Teacher, SLT, class teachers, non-teaching staff, School Governors and not forgetting the eager, ready to learn children within Chilton Academy.

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